Thunderbird is my preferred mail client, and so I'm using it to connect to our Exchange mail server at work via IMAP.
This worked great for quite some time, until Thunderbird started reporting errors like
"The requested message could not be converted to an RFC-822 compatible format" whenever I refreshed my inbox.
Today, I finally bit the bullet, and started an IMAP debugging session using telnet.
With the excellent tutorial
Accessing IMAP email accounts using telnet
at hand,
getting up to speed with IMAP was a matter of minutes. Digging into the protocol
was pretty cool (in my very own sick and geeky sense of coolness), and I learned a few things.
It seems that Exchange Server, when contacted via IMAP, tries to convert all messages into
RFC-822 format,
and when this fails, said error is reported. So as far as I can tell, this isn't really an email client issue,
but rather a problem in either the original message data or in the conversion process on the server.
However, those insights didn't solve the problem right away. I tried deleting a few suspect messages by ID,
without seeing much of an improvement. After a while, I resorted to a more radical experiment:
- Create a
folder on the IMAP server
- Move all messages from the
to the temp
- With all inbox messages out of the way, hit Thunderbird's "Get Mail" button again.
You'd think that with an empty inbox, there shouldn't be a reason anymore for error messages - but still,
Thunderbird kept reporting RFC-822 conversion issues.
Thunderbird glitch? Bad hair day? What was going on?
Desperate as I was, I did something which, being a Thunderbird devotee, I would
never do under normal circumstances:
I ran Outlook. And indeed,
to my surprise, Outlook still displayed a number of messages in my inbox! All of those were meeting invitations. Apparently,
those were the messages which were in some way incompliant or at least incompatible with RFC-822. I deleted all those
messages in Outlook, emptied the "Deleted Items" and "Trash" folders, then ran Thunderbird again.
Argl. "Get Mail" still reports the same error messages.
Another telnet session followed:
telnet 143
. login cbrod JOSHUA
. select INBOX
. fetch 1:100 flags
Surprisingly, IMAP still reported 17 messages, which I then deleted manually as follows:
. store 1:17 flags \Deleted
. expunge
. close
And now, finally, the error message in Thunderbird was gone. Phew.
In hindsight, I should have kept those invitation messages around to find out more about their RFC-822 compliance problem.
But I guess there is no shortage of meeting invitations in an Outlook-centric company, and so there will be more specimens
available for thorough scrutiny
In part 2 of the series, I broke
the news that so-called action routines (such as extrude) violate
Common Lisp evaluation rules in CoCreate Modeling. Which should cause
any Lisp aficionado out there to frown; after all, the evaluator is
central to any Lisp implementation,
and largely determines the nature of a Lisp system. There is a reason why the
Lisp-1 vs. Lisp-2 debate
has been raging for decades!
So why did CoCreate Modeling insurrect against the Common Lisp standard?
Did we have an issue with authorities, did we want to stage a publicity stunt, or
were we just a bunch of imbecile script kiddies who didn't know any better?
Nothing of that kind. Instead, I put the blame on having too many users of
a successful predecessor product
Let me explain.
In the 80s, our 2D CAD application
ME10 (now: CoCreate Drafting)
had become extremely popular in the mechanical
engineering market. ME10's built-in macro language was a big success factor.
Users and CAD administrators counted on it to configure their local installations,
and partners wrote macro-based extensions to add new functionality - a software
ecosystem evolved.
A typical macro-language command looked like this:
Users didn't have to type in the full command, actually. They could start by typing in
and hitting the
key. The command would prompt for more input and provide hints in the
UI on what to do next, such as selecting the kind of line to be drawn, or picking points
in the 2D viewport (the drawing canvas). The example above also illustrates that commands
such as
could loop, i.e. you could create an arbitrary amount of rectangles;
hence the need to explicitly
the command.
Essentially, each of the commands in ME10 was a domain-specific mini-language,
interpreted by a simple state machine.
The original architects of SolidDesigner (now known as CoCreate Modeling)
chose Lisp as the new extension and customization language, but they also wanted
to help users with migration to the new product. Note, however, how decidedly un-Lispy ME10's
macro language actually was:
- In Lisp, there is no way to enter just the first few parts of a "command";
users always have to provide all parameters of a function.
- Lisp functions don't prompt.
- Note the uncanny lack of parentheses in the macro example above.
But then, we all know how malleable a language Lisp is. All of the problems above
could be solved by a fairly simple extension with the following characteristics:
- Define a special class of function symbols which represent commands
- Those special symbols are immediately evaluated anywhere
they appear in the input, i.e. it doesn't matter whether they appear inside
or outside of a form. This takes care of issue #3 above, as you no longer
have to enclose
commands in parentheses.
- Evaluation for the special symbols means: Run the function code associated
with the symbol. Just like in ME10, this function code (which we
christened action routine) implements a
state machine prompting for and processing user input. This addresses
issues #1 and #2.
These days, you would probably use something like
define-symbol-macro. Back then,
the Common Lisp standard had not been finalized and our Lisp
implementation did not provide
yet. And thus,
CoCreate Modeling's Lisp evaluator extensions were born.
To be continued...
Zu essen gab es in jenem Restaurant kroatisch-serbisch-italienisch-schwäbisches Crossover,
und für Unterhaltung war auch gesorgt:
You may have guessed it: The whole set_pers_context business in the
first part of this mini-series
was actually a red herring. I promise I won't mislead you this time -
and I'll even reveal the reason why the series is titled "And...Action!"

No, we don't need contrived constructs like
(print extrude) to show that
is somehow... different from all the other kids. All we need is a simple experiment.
First, enter
CoCreate Modeling's user input line: The
Extrude dialog
unfolds in all its glory, and patiently awaits your input.
Now try the same with
: All you get is an uncooperative
"Lisp error: The variable PRINT is unbound". How disappointing.
But then, the behavior for
is expected, considering the usual
evaluation rules for Common Lisp,
particularly for symbols. As a quick reminder:
- If the symbol refers to a variable, the value of the variable is returned.
- If the symbol refers to a function and occurs in the first position of a list,
the function is executed.
& friends belong to the symbol jet-set in CoCreate Modeling. For them,
the usual evaluation rules for functions don't apply (pun intended).
symbol properties
as markers, they carry a backstage pass and can party anywhere.
For members of the
posse, it doesn't really matter if you use them as an
atom, in the first position of a list, or anywhere else: In all cases, the function which
they refer to will be executed right away - by virtue of an extension to the evaluator
which is unique to CoCreate Modeling's implementation of Common Lisp.
You can create such upper-class symbols yourself - using a macro called
This macro is also unique to CoCreate Modeling. Functions
defined by
are called, you guessed it,
action routines.
But why, you ask, would I want such a feature, particularly if I know that it breaks with
established conventions for Lisp evaluation?
Well, precisely
because this feature breaks with the established rules.
To be continued...
Yesterday, Opera 10 was released, with a lot
of interesting features, and so I hit the "Check for Updates" button in my (admittedly really old)
v9.01 installation of Opera.
Seems like I should have upgraded immediately after the press release was out, and that by waiting another
day I missed a whole slew of additional releases:
that's rapid development!
PS: Yes, I know, this is
old hat, but the message still gave me a good chuckle
One of the more, uhm, challenging customer suggestions I ever had to deal with was a bug report
which requested that CoCreate Modeling should somehow - in Nostradamus fashion- sense that it
was about to crash at some point in the near future.
Yes, that's right; CoCreate Modeling was supposed to alert the user
before an actual crash
was about to happen - by applying rocket-science dynamic program analysis and prediction
techniques, sacrificing chicken and roasting them on Intel CPUs, or by having programmers dance
naked around bonfires of compiler manuals. Whatever it would take.
No doubt that such a feature would be highly valuable. Imagine working on a model for
several hours, and then you drive the application into a crash, and both the application
and your model data disappear forever. If you could predict the crash, you'd save everybody
a whole lot of time and money. Oh, and with such code, you'd always win the lottery, too.
How convenient
Fortunately, CoCreate Modeling has always had pretty elaborate crash handling mechanisms. Whenever an unexpected exception occurs, a top-level crash handler catches it, pops up a message describing the
problem, causes the current operation to be undone, restores the 3D model to a (hopefully) consistent
state, and returns the user to the interactive top-level loop so that s/he can save the
model before restarting.
Over time, we taught our crash handler to deal with more and more critical situations. (Catching stack overflows and multithreading scenarios are particularly tricky.) Hence, users rarely lose data in
CoCreate Modeling even if some piece of code crashes. Which pretty much obviates the need
for the proposed clairvoyance module.
Let’s suppose you had written this test case for low-level
DDE communication in your product, and that this test talks to Internet Explorer via DDE.
Let’s assume you’d do this by sending a URL to IE via DDE, and that you’d then verify the result by asking IE which page it actually loaded.
Let’s say that you’d use the URL of your company’s website,
The day your QA people start yelling at you because the test fails miserably, you know
that your company has been acquired, and that all accesses to have been automatically redirected to
Duck and cover! Another mini-series approaching!
My apologies to users of CoCreate Modeling
who tried to find some meat for them in the package riddle
series for them - there wasn't any, as that series was strictly meant for
Lisp geeks. Sorry!
This new series covers programming fundamentals as well.
If you ever wanted to understand how Common Lisp functions like print
CoCreate Modeling commands such as extrude
differ and how they
interact, you've come to the right place.
Reader highway45 recently came up with a
very interesting observation (abridged and translated from German):
Usually, I call a dialog like this: (set_pers_context "Toolbox-Context" function)
Or like this:
As soon as I add parentheses, however, the "ok action" will be called:

When highway45 talks of "functions" here, he actually means commands like
. So,
(set_pers_context "Toolbox-Context" extrude)? Really? Wow!
is an internal CoCreate Modeling function dealing with
how UI elements for a given command are displayed and where. I was floored -
first, by the fact that an end user found a need to call an internal function like this,
and second, because that magic incantation indeed works "as advertised" by highway45.
For example, try entering the following in CoCreate Modeling's user input line:
(set_pers_context "Toolbox-Context" extrude)
Lo and behold, this will indeed open the
dialog, and CoCreate Modeling
now prompts for more input, such as extrusion distances or angles.
What's so surprising about this, you ask? If you've used CoCreate Modeling for a while,
then you'll know that, as a rule of thumb, code enclosed in parentheses won't prompt
for more input, but will instead expect additional parameters in the command line itself.
For example, if you run
(with parentheses!) from the user input line, Lisp will
complain that the parameter "DISTANCE is not specified". But in highway45's example, there
was a closing parenthesis after
, and yet the Extrude command started to
So is
some kind of magic potion? Try this:
(print extrude)
The Extrude dialog opens and prompts for input! Seems like even
magic powers, even though it's a plain ol'
Common Lisp standard function!
Well, maybe there is something special about all built-in functions? Let's test this out and
try a trivial function of our own:
(defun foobar() 42)
(foobar extrude)
Once more, the dialog opens and awaits user input!
maybe it is neither of
that is magic - but instead
We'll tumble down that rabbit hole next time.
To be continued...
I'll bore you just one more time with this: When executing (test) as defined
in the following code, Lisp claimed that the function #:TEST_DIALOG is undefined.
(defun test()
(use-package :oli)
(sd-defdialog 'test_dialog
:ok-action '(display "test_dialog"))
part 3 of this mini-series,
we figured out that the
#: prefix indicates an
uninterned symbol - and now
we can solve the puzzle!
Earlier, I had indicated that
automatically exports dialog
names into the default package. To perform this trick, somewhere in the bowels of
macro, the following code is generated and executed:
(shadowing-import ',name :cl-user) ;; import dialog name into cl-user package
(export ',name) ;; export dialog name in current package
(import ',name :oli) ;; import dialog name into oli package
(export ',name :oli) ;; export dialog name from the oli package
As a consequence, the dialog's name is now visible in three packages:
- The default package (
- Our Lisp API package (
- The package in which the dialog was defined (here:
This is quite convenient for CoCreate Modeling users - typically
mechanical engineers, not Lisp programmers. They don't want to deal with the
intricacies of Lisp's package handling, but instead simply assume that the
command (dialog) will be at their disposal whenever they need it.
Let's look up what the Common Lisp standard has to say on
shadowing-import inserts each of symbols into package as an internal symbol, regardless of whether another symbol of the same name is shadowed by this action. If a different symbol of the same name is already present in package, that symbol is first uninterned from package.
That's our answer! With this newly-acquired knowledge, let's go through our
code example one more and final time:
(defun test()
Upon loading this code, the Lisp reader will intern a symbol
into the current (default) package. As
has not
been defined yet, the symbol
does not have a value; it's just
a placeholder for things to come.
(use-package :oli)
We're no longer in the default package, and can freely use
a package prefix.
(sd-defdialog 'test_dialog
:ok-action '(display "test_dialog"))
(shadowing-import 'test_dialog :cl-user),
thereby shadowing (hiding)
and uninterning the previously interned
Until we re-evaluate the definition for
, it will still refer to the
old definition of the symbol
, which - by now - is a) still without
a value and b) uninterned, i.e. homeless.
Lessons learned:
- Pay attention to the exact wording of Lisp error messages.
- The Common Lisp standard is your friend.
- Those Lisp package problems can be pesky critters.
The good news: If you follow a few rules of thumb, you'll probably never run into
complex package problems like this. One such simple rule is to define your
functions first before referring to them. So in our code example, defining
the dialog first before loading/defining the
function would have saved
us all that hassle.
The other day, I finally bought Peter Norvig's classic
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming,
which everybody in the Lisp community seems to be raving about.
No book review yet, as I haven't even started to read the book. However, a while ago,
I worked through
Norvig's implementation of the loop
and ever since then, I knew I had to buy the book. The code contains a good amount of
Lisp macrology, and yet it is clear, concise, and so easy to follow. You can read it
like a novel, from cover to back, while sipping from a glass of
pinot noir.
Impressive work.
If you've soaked up enough
Common Lisp to roughly know what
do, this is the kind of
code you should be reading to take the next step in understanding Lisp. This is also
a brilliant way to learn how to use
loop, by the way.
I can't wait to find out what the rest of the book is like!
Update 9/2013: Norvig's (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))
is just as readable and inspirational as the loop macro code. Highly recommended.
Lisp recently surprised me
with an error message which I had not expected.
(defun test()
(use-package :oli)
(sd-defdialog 'test_dialog
:ok-action '(display "test_dialog"))
Load the above code, run
, and you'll get:
In CoCreate Modeling, the
macro automatically exports the name of the new
dialog (in this case,
) into the default package. Hence, you'd expect that
the function
, which is in the default package, would be able to call that dialog!
Astute readers (and CoCreate Modeling's Lisp compiler) will rightfully scold me for using
in the midst of a file. However, the error doesn't go away if you split up
the above code example into two files, the second of which then properly
starts with
. And in fact, the problem originally manifested itself in a
multiple-file scenario. But to make it even easier for readers to run the test themselves,
I just folded the two files into one.
Lisp actually provides us with a subtle hint which I ignored so far: Did you notice
that the complaint is about a symbol
, and not simply
prefix adds an important piece to the puzzle. Apparently, Lisp thinks
is not a normal symbol,
but a so-called
uninterned symbol. Uninterned symbols are symbols which don't
belong to
any Lisp package - they are homeless. For details:
Uninterned symbols are beasts which live in a slightly darker corner of Common Lisp, or
at least you don't run into them too often. And in our particular case, it isn't exactly obvious
turned into an uninterned symbol. We would have expected it to
be a symbol interned in the
package, which is where the dialog is defined!
Those who are still with me in this series will probably know where this is heading.
Anyway -
next time, we'll finally
solve the puzzle!
Yesterday, I presented some Lisp code
which puzzled me for a little while.
To recap, here's the test code again:
(defun test()
(use-package :oli)
(sd-defdialog 'test_dialog
:ok-action '(display "test_dialog"))
Here is what happens if you save this code into a file, then load the file into
CoCreate Modeling and call the
"The function #:TEST_DIALOG is undefined"? Let's review the code so that you
can understand why I found this behavior surprising.
First, you'll notice that the function
is defined in the default Lisp package.
After its definition, we switch into a different package (
), in
which we then define a CoCreate Modeling dialog called
function attempts to call that dialog. If you've had any exposure with
other implementations of Lisp before, I'm sure you will say: "Well,
of course the system
will complain that
is undefined! After all, you define it in package
, but call it from the default package (where
is defined).
This is trivial! Go read
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Common Lisp Packages
instead of wasting our time!"
To which I'd reply that
, for practical reasons I may go into in a future blog
post, actually makes dialogs visible in CoCreate Modeling's default package. And since
the function
is defined in the default package, it should therefore have
access to a symbol called
, and there shouldn't be any error messages, right?
To be continued...
The other day, I spent some time debugging a surprising issue in Lisp code written
for CoCreate Modeling. Turns out that the problem can be shrunk down to
only a few lines, and is actually quite instructive on how Lisp's packages work -
an ideal candidate for this blog!
So here is the innocent-looking code:
(defun test()
(use-package :oli)
(sd-defdialog 'test_dialog
:ok-action '(display "test_dialog"))

Copy/paste this code into a file called
, then load the
into a fresh instance of CoCreate Modeling. Run the
function by entering
the user input line. Can you guess what happens now? Can you explain it?
To be continued...
Every now and then, a CoCreate Modeling user needs some functionality which isn't in the product
yet, or at least not precisely in the shape and form she needs it. For example, in a recent
forum discussion, someone
asked for a way to batch-convert CoCreate Modeling package files into STEP format.
CoCreate Task Agent provides
such functionality, but since it is an add-on module
at extra cost, only some customers have it available to them. But that's no reason for despair,
as it's pretty simple to add new functionality to the product.
Here's my take on the problem. My solution doesn't have any kind of glitzy UI,
it doesn't handle errors, it's not optimized for performance - but it shows how the
approach works, and that's all I wanted to accomplish.
;; (C) 2009 Claus Brod
;; Demonstrates how to convert models into STEP format
;; in batch mode. Assumes that STEP module has been activated.
(use-package :oli)
(export 'pkg-to-step)
(defun convert-one-file(from to)
(delete_3d :all_at_top)
(load_package from)
(step_export :select :all_at_top :filename to :overwrite)
(defun pkg-to-step(dir)
"Exports all package files in a directory into STEP format"
(dolist (file (directory (format nil "~A/*.pkg" dir)))
(let ((filename (namestring file)))
(convert-one-file filename (format nil "~A.stp" filename)))))
To use this code:
- Run CoCreate Modeling
- Activate the STEP module
- Load the Lisp file
- In the user input line, enter something like
( "c:/allmypackagefiles")
For each package (
) file in the specified directory, a STEP file will be generated in the
same directory. The name of the STEP file is the original filename with
appended to it.
, the code iterates over the list of filenames returned from
. For each package file,
is called, which performs
the actual conversion:
Step |
Command |
Delete all objects in memory (so that they don't interfere with the rest of the process) |
delete_3d |
Load the package file |
load_package |
Save the model in memory out to a STEP file |
step_export |
Revert to the state of affairs as before loading the package file |
undo |
For each of those steps, we use one of the built-in commands, i.e.
. (These are the kind of commands which are captured in a recorder
file when you run CoCreate Modeling's recorder utility.) Around those commands, we use
some trivial Common Lisp glue code - essentially,
dolist over
the results of
directory. And that's all, folks
Astute readers will wonder why I use
after the load operation rather than
the model.
is in fact more efficient in this kind of scenario, which is
an interesting story in and of itself - and shall be told some other day.
This weekend, I finally bit the bullet: I went over all
CoCreate Modeling pages
on the site, and fixed most references to the old product
name "OneSpace Modeling". John Scheffel, who maintains the International
CoCreate Users Group
site at, had sent me a friendly note about all those dated
names on my site - precisely the kind of kick in the behind
that I sorely needed to finally get the job done. Thanks, John!
And by the way, John, thanks as well for all your work
to keep the user group site going strong! When you, dear reader, stop by at the
CoCreate user group forum next time, drop
John a line to say "thank you". He deserves it.
I'm not done with all the renaming on the site yet; for example, there are a number
of pages which I called "OsdmSomething" (silly me). "Osdm" is the abbreviation for
"OneSpace Designer Modeling", which is yet another older name for what we now
know as "CoCreate Modeling"...
As you can see, "CoCreate Modeling" was rechristened a lot in the past:
Official name  | Colloquial | Versions | When |
CoCreate OneSpace Designer Dynamic Modeling | ? | 11 | 2001-2002 |
CoCreate OneSpace Designer Modeling | OSDM | 11.6-14 | 2002-2006 |
CoCreate OneSpace Modeling | OneSpace Modeling | 15 | 2007 |
CoCreate SolidDesigner | SolidDesigner | 8-9 | 2000-2001 |
HP PE/SolidDesigner | SolidDesigner | 1-7 | 1992-1999 |
PTC CoCreate Modeling | CoCreate Modeling | 16 and later | 2008- |
This is from memory - corrections most welcome. CoCreate users out there, what's your
favorite product name?
I'm not a creative marketeer - just a lowly engineer and therefore not too
imaginative. You see, I call my apples apples, my typos typos, and my bugs features. Simple and
straightforward, that's what
us engineers are like.
So personally, I would never have fiddled with the product name at all.
some name changes were inevitable. After all, we separated from HP in 1996 and
became independent as CoCreate, and so we couldn't use the "HP" prefix anymore, of course.
And in late 2007, PTC acquired us, and our products needed to be integrated into PTC's portfolio.
My own - way too simplistic - engineering approach to branding would have been:
- HP PE/SolidDesigner (colloquially: SolidDesigner)
- CoCreate SolidDesigner (colloquially: SolidDesigner)
- PTC CoCreate SolidDesigner (colloquially: SolidDesigner)
In fact, many of our customers still call the product SolidDesigner; apparently,
that name stuck with people. And not quite incidentally, the name of the main executable
on disk is
Anyway - I'll have to admit that I start to like "CoCreate Modeling" as well. It's reasonably
short, simple to remember, alludes to what the product does, and it reminds users of our
past as CoCreate - which is a nice nostalgic touch for old f*rts like me who've
been with the team for almost two decades now...
Both at work and on this site, I use TWiki as my wiki engine of
choice. TWiki has managed to attract a fair share of plugin and add-on writers,
resulting in wonderful tools like an add-on which integrates KinoSearch,
a Perl library on top of the Lucene search engine.
This month, I installed the add-on at work. It turns out that in its current state,
it does not support Office 2007 document types yet, such as
i.e. the so-called "Office OpenXML" formats. That's a pity, of course, since
these days, most new Office documents tend to be provided in those formats.
The KinoSearch add-on doesn't try to parse (non-trivial) documents
on its own, but rather relies on external helper programs which extract
indexable text from documents. So the task at hand is to write such
a text extractor.
Fortunately, the
Apache POI project just released
a version of their libraries which now also support OpenXML formats, and
with those libraries, it's a piece of cake to build a simple text extractor!
Here's the trivial Java driver code:
package de.clausbrod.openxmlextractor;
import org.apache.poi.POITextExtractor;
import org.apache.poi.extractor.ExtractorFactory;
public class Main {
public static String extractOneFile(File f) throws Exception {
POITextExtractor extractor = ExtractorFactory.createExtractor(f);
String extracted = extractor.getText();
return extracted;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length <= 0) {
System.err.println("ERROR: No filename specified.");
for (String filename : args) {
File f = new File(filename);
Full Java 1.6 binaries are
Apache POI license details apply.
Copy the ZIP archive to your TWiki server and unzip it in a directory of your choice.
With this tool in place, all we need to do is provide a
stringifier plugin to
the add-on. This is done by adding a file called
to the
directory in the TWiki server installation:
# For licensing info read LICENSE file in the TWiki root.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
package TWiki::Contrib::SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn::StringifyPlugins::OpenXML;
use base 'TWiki::Contrib::SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn::StringifyBase';
use File::Temp qw/tmpnam/;
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", ".xlsx");
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", ".docx");
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", ".pptx");
sub stringForFile {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
my $tmp_file = tmpnam();
my $text;
my $cmd =
"java -jar /www/twiki/local/bin/openxmlextractor/openxmlextractor.jar '$file' > $tmp_file";
if (0 == system($cmd)) {
$text = TWiki::Contrib::SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn::Stringifier->stringFor($tmp_file);
return $text; # undef signals failure to caller
This script assumes that the
helper is located at
; you'll have to tweak this path to
reflect your local settings.
I haven't figured out yet how to correctly deal with encodings in the stringifier
code, so non-ASCII characters might not work as expected.
To verify local installation, change into
(this is
where my TWiki installation is, YMMV) and run the extractor on a test file:
./ks_test stringify foobla.docx
And in a final step, enable index generation for Office documents by adding
to the Main.TWikiPreferences topic:
* KinoSearch settings
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So the graphics driver for your graphics card seems to be really buggy, and you cannot get it work at all
with CoCreate Modeling. What can you do?
First, check the latest driver versions provided by the graphics card vendor. If you already have the
latest version, try a version which was previously certified either by PTC/CoCreate or one of the
other large CAD vendors. Also, remember to switch the graphics driver into
"CoCreate Modeling" mode if the driver has such an option.
If the problem persists, and the graphics card is supported by PTC, contact PTC for help. They will work with
the graphics card vendor to fix the problem. If the card is unsupported, contact the graphics card
vendor directly.
But if all this fails, or if you want to take a quick stab at the problem,
you can also have CoCreate Modeling ask the graphics driver to turn off hardware
acceleration for 3D graphics. This will often bypass the buggy parts in the graphics driver,
and the problem will go away. Things will also slow down, of course, i.e. 3D viewing operations
won't be as snappy as before. On most systems, however, you will still be able to work
with small to medium assemblies just fine.
All you need to do to disable hardware acceleration in CoCreate Modeling is set an environment
variable called
, and give
it a value of
. To set the environment variable, use the System Control Panel.
Click sequence in Windows XP:
- Start/Control Panel
- Run
control panel
- Select the
- Click "Environment Variables".
Click sequence in Vista:
- Start/Control Panel
- Click
System and Maintenance
, then System
- Click
Advanced System Settings
; this may pop up a user-access control dialog which you need to confirm
- Click
Environment Variables
Now create a new environment variable
and set the value to
At this year's Java forum in Stuttgart,
I was one of 1100 geeks who divulged in
Suebian Brezeln and presentations on all things Java.
After a
presentation on Scala,
I passed by a couple of flipcharts which were set aside for birds-of-a-feather (BoF)
sessions. On a whim, I grabbed a free flipchart and scribbled one word:
Clojure. In the official program, there was no presentation
covering Clojure, but I thought it'd be nice to meet a few people who, like me,
are interested in learning this new language and its concepts!
Since I had suggested the topic, I became the designated moderator for this session. It
turned out that most attendees didn't really know all that much about Clojure or Lisp - and so
I gravitated, a bit unwillingly at first, into presentation mode. Boy, was I glad that right
before the session, I had refreshed the little Clojure-fu I have by reading an
article or two.
In fact, some of the folks who showed up had assumed the session was on clo
(the programming concept)
rather than Clo
jure, the language

But the remaining few of us still had a spirited
discussion, covering topics such as dynamic versus static typing, various Clojure language
elements, Clojure's Lisp heritage, programmimg for concurrency, web frameworks, Ruby on Rails,
and OO databases.
To those who stopped by, thanks a lot for this discussion and for your interest.
And to the developer from Bremen whose name I forgot (sorry): As we suspected, there is
indeed an alternative syntax for creating Java objects in Clojure.
(.show (new javax.swing.JFrame)) ;; probably more readable for Java programmers
(.show (javax.swing.JFrame.)) ;; Clojure shorthand
This year's
European Lisp Symposium in Milan
had several slots in the programme for lightning talks -
short, high-adrenaline, sometimes impromptu presentations about all things
I loved the format because of the wide variety of topics presented. Also, this gave me the
unique chance to present to this audience of hardcore Lisp geeks how we are using
Common Lisp in our flagship 3D CAD product, CoCreate Modeling. Since I only had a few
minutes, all I could do was skim over a few topics, but that's still better
than a poke in the eye with C#
Not many in the audience had heard about our project yet, so there were quite a few
questions after the presentation. Over all those years, we had
lost touch with the Lisp community a bit - so reconnecting to the CL matrix felt just great.
Click on the image to view the presentation. The presentation mentions LOC (lines of code) data;
those include test code.
Previous posts on the European Lisp Symposium:
A co-worker needed to convert a Cygwin-dependent script to something that runs on a bare-bones
Windows system. The interesting part of the task was finding a replacement for the good ol'
head command-line utility.
Fortunately, this is fairly simple using a few lines of VBScript and the
Windows Scripting Host.
First, here's the VBScript code:
lines = WScript.Arguments(0)
Do Until WScript.stdin.AtEndOfStream Or lines=0
WScript.Echo WScript.stdin.ReadLine
lines = lines-1
This is an extremely stripped-down version of
head's original functionality, of course. For
example, the code above can only read from standard input, and things like command-line argument
validation and error handling are left as an exercise for the reader
Assuming you'd save the above into a file called
, this is how you can
display the first three lines of a text file called
type someinputfile.txt | cscript /nologo head.vbs 3
Wherever I travel, at least an hour or two of sightrunning is on top of my to-do list.
While I was in Milan for the European Lisp Symposium recently, I had to spend one
of the evenings in Milan preparing my presentation on CoCreate Modeling,
and so there wasn't much time left to enjoy the city. But I had my running
shoes with me, and so I sneaked out of the hotel for two hours in the evening
to marvel at sights such as the
magnificent dome,
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele,
the Parco Sempione and the Arena Civica,
Castello Sforzesco,
the Scala,
Cimitero Monumentale,
the Corso Como, the
Brera quarter, or
Peck (not much of a sight when closed, though).
Sightrunning is just perfect to get a first impression of a city - next time I'm in Milan,
I'll already know my way around and what I want to see more of!
Spruch des Tages, heute morgen in der S-Bahn gehört: "Das ist doch so einfach wie 1*1 = 2!".
It's more than a week now that I returned from Milan where I attended this year's
European Lisp Symposium, but memories are still
fairly fresh. The conferences I go to are usually all pretty nerdy, but this one
provided particularly impressive examples of general geekiness.
Not that this came as a surprise. After all, this was a conference about Lisp. Lisp is one of those
languages which, as it seems, many love and many others hate, but which leaves few indifferent.
And so naturally, the audience at the symposium deeply cared about the language and its
underlying value system, and wasn't in Milan just for a few days of company politics or
for sightseeing.
For me, this meant:
- Two days during which I didn't have to explain any
my T-shirts.
- Not having to hide my symptoms of internet deprivation on the first day
of the symposium (when the organizers were still working on
wifi access for everyone).
- Enjoying (uhm...) the complicated protocol dance involved in splitting up
a restaurant bill among five or six geeks. This is obviously something that
we, as a human subspecies, suck at
Special shout-outs go to Jim Newton,
Edgar Gonçalves, Alessio Stalla, Francesco Petrogalli and his friend Michele.
(Sorry to those whose names I forgot; feel free to refresh my memory.)
- Meeting Lisp celebrities like Scott McKay (of Symbolics
- Crashing my hotel room with four other hackers (Attila Lendvai and the amazing crew)
who demoed both their Emacs skills and their web framework to me, sometime after
midnight. (Special greetings also to Stelian Ionescu.)
How refreshing!
As promised earlier, here
are some more notes from this year's
European Lisp Symposium in Milan - this time about Scott McKay's keynote presentation on what he has learned in his years as a Lisp and Dylan programmer at companies like Symbolics, Harlequin, HotDispatch and
ITA Software.
Scott joked he might well be the
Zelig or
Forrest Gump of the Lisp community, after having been around for a long time and
making appearances in a number of (unlikely?) places. In amusing anecdotes,
he explained some of the key learnings he took away during his career, and what
those learnings might mean for the future of Lisp and the Lisp community.
Some notes (from memory, hence most certainly inaccurate):
- "Any bozo can write code" - this is how David Moon dismissed Scott's attempt
to back up one of his designs with code which demonstrated how the design
was meant to work.
- "Total rewrites are good" - Scott was the designer
of CLIM, which underwent several
major revisions until it finally arrived at a state he was reasonably happy with.
- "If you cannot describe something in a spec, that's a clue!" - amen, brother!
- "The Lisp community has a bad habit of building everything themselves"
- "Immutability is good" (even for single-threaded code)
- "Ruby on Rails gets it right"; only half-jokingly, he challenged the community to
build something like "Lisp on Rails". Later during the symposium, I learned that
we already have Lisp on Lines
("LoL" - I'm not kidding you here
- "Java + Eclipse + Maven + XXX + ... is insane!" - and later "J2EE got it spectacularly wrong"
- He reminded us that the Lisp Machine actually had C and Fortran compilers,
and that it was no small feat making sure that compiled C and Fortran programs
ran on the system without corrupting everybody else's memory. (I'd be curious
to learn more about this.)
- Lisp code which was developed during Scott's time at HotDispatch
was later converted to Java - they ended up in roughly 10x the code size.
- The QRes system at ITA has 650000 lines of code, and approx. 50 hackers
are working on it. Among other things, they have an ORM layer, transactions,
and a persistence framework which is "a lot less complicated than Hibernate".
- Both PLOT and
Alloy were mentioned as sources of inspiration.
Scott then went on to develop a list of features which a future version of Lisp, dubbed
Uncommon Lisp, should have. That list was pretty long; notable features which I remember were:
- Should run on a virtual machine
- Good FFI support very important
- Support for immutability
- Concurrency and parallelism support
- Optional type checking, statically typed interfaces (
- "Code as data" not negotiable
Not surprisingly,
Clojure was mentioned quite often,
both during the keynote and in the subsequent Q&A session. I'm still
not quite sure what Scott's position on Clojure really is. To me, most of the points
he made seemed to actually back up design decisions in Clojure: For instance,
Clojure runs on a VM, reuses the libraries and tools of the underlying platform,
connects easily to other languages, makes a decided effort
to support concurrency well, and while it breaks with Common Lisp syntax, it is still
in the Common Lisp spirit of being a pragmatic implementation of the fundamental Lisp
ideas. On the other hand, Scott also criticised some Clojure details (name resolution
comes to mind), and seemed uncertain whether to full-heartedly recommend
everyone to join the Clojure camp right away.
think what Scott tried to get across is that a revolutionary approach
is both possible and worthwhile for the Lisp community. Revolution,
of course, means breaking with the past, and it became obvious during Friday's panel
discussion on the future of Common Lisp that not everybody at the symposium felt
comfortable with the thought.
Michele Simionato
discusses the keynote presentation from a Schemer's point of view.
This year's European Lisp Symposium
took place in Milan. I just returned from the symposium,
which was my first such encounter with the Common Lisp community.
I took some notes and hope to blog more about the symposium later. For now, let me just
say there's one thing that stood out for me: There is an awful lot of intellectual brilliance
in this community, and I'm impressed. Thanks to all presenters and to everybody
who helped to set up and organize the symposium!
During the conference, a lot of people stepped up and gave lightning talks, i.e. short
talks about some Lisp-related topic of their choice. This was, IMHO, a smashing success
in many ways: It broadened the spectrum of the symposium; it provided a forum for the
presenters to test how their ideas are received; and it spurred many discussions after the
presentations. That said, I'm biased as I also gave a lightning talk on how we're using
Lisp in CoCreate Modeling
Other bloggers covering the event:
PS: While at lunch on Thursday, I had an interesting chat with a young
guy from Hasso-Plattner-Institut in Potsdam (Germany).
I was very impressed to hear about the many languages he already worked or experimented with.
Unfortunately, I completely forgot his name. So this is a shout-out to him:
If Google ever leads you here, I apologize for the brain leakage, and please drop
me a note!
That darn ol' MP3 player. Five years old, but still looks cute.
Stubbornly refuses to break, too, so no excuse to go out
and buy a new one. Which, of course, I wouldn't do anyway these days.
You know, the crisis and all - who has the guts
to make investments like this now. I mean, a new player could easily
cost me as much as 30 euros!
So I'm sticking to the old hardware, and it works great, except for one
thing: It cannot set bookmarks. Sure, it remembers which file I was playing
most recently, but it doesn't know where I was within that file. Without
bookmarks, resuming to listen to that podcast of 40 minutes length which
I started into the other day is an awkward, painstakingly slow and daunting task.
But then, those years at university studying computer science needed to
finally amortize themselves anyway, and so I set out to look for a software solution!
The idea was to preprocess podcasts as follows:
- Split podcasts into five-minute chunks. This way, I can easily
resume from where I left off without a lot of hassle.
- While I'm at it, speed up the podcast by 15%. Most podcasts
have more than enough verbal fluff and uhms and pauses in them,
so listening to them in their original speed is, in fact, a waste
of time. Of course, I don't want all my podcasts to sound like
Mickey Mouse cartoons, of course, so I need to preserve the original pitch.
- Most of the time, I listen to technical podcasts over el-cheapo
headphones in noisy environments like commuter trains, so I don't
need no steenkin' 320kbps bitrates, thank you very much.
- And the whole thing needs to run from the command line so that I
can process podcasts in batches.
I found it surprisingly difficult to find the single right tool for the
purpose, so after experimenting for a while, I wrote the following
bash script which does the job.
#! /bin/bash
# Hacked by Claus Brod,
# prepare podcast for mp3 player:
# - speed up by 15%
# - split into small chunks of 5 minutes each
# - recode in low bitrate
# requires:
# - lame
# - soundstretch
# - mp3splt
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo Usage: $0 mp3file >&2
exit 2
bn=`basename "$1"`
lame --priority 0 -S --decode "$1" - | \
soundstretch stdin stdout -tempo=15 | \
lame --priority 0 -S --vbr-new -V 9 - temp.mp3
mp3splt -q -f -t 05.00 -o "${bn}_@n" temp.mp3
rm temp.mp3
The script uses lame,
soundstretch and
mp3splt for the job, so you'll have to download
and install those packages first. On Windows, lame.exe
, soundstretch.exe
also need to be accessible through PATH
The script is, of course, absurdly lame with all its hardcoded filenames and parameters
and all, and it works for MP3 files only - but it does the job for me,
and hopefully it's useful to someone out there as well. Enjoy!
When I tell people that I like and admire Lisp, they will typically roll their eyes and/or give me
some pretty weird looks - and then they'll ignore me for the rest of their lives.
Well, after all those years, I'm usually not hurt anymore. Instead, I just giggle to myself like
the proverbial mad scientist. You see, in the past few years there has been such a huge surge
of interest in functional and dynamic languages that everybody and their sister already programs
in a Lisp-like language, only without knowing it. Or, at the very least, they use a language
or programming environment whose designers adopted very significant amounts of Lispy concepts.
Examples: C#, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Scheme, Groovy, Perl, Smalltalk, Java - and, in fact,
pretty much any language running on top of the CLR or JVM. (Heck, even C++ programmers will
soon learn lambdas and closures...)
Being an old fart, my memory doesn't serve me as well as it
used to, hence my bias towards simple concepts and simple solutions which are easy to
For starters, a compelling reason to fall in love with Lisp is its syntactical
simplicity. Lisp probably has the easiest syntax of all programming languages, maybe
with the exception of Forth-like languages. Want proof? This morning, a good
soul over at reddit pointed me to
results of the University of Geneva's HyperGOS project: A comparison of BNF graphs
for various languages. Lisp's
BNF looks like this:
s_expression = atomic_symbol / "(" s_expression "."s_expression ")" / list
list = "(" s_expression < s_expression > ")"
atomic_symbol = letter atom_part
atom_part = empty / letter atom_part / number atom_part
letter = "a" / "b" / " ..." / "z"
number = "1" / "2" / " ..." / "9"
empty = " "
Now compare the above to, say,
(And yes, the description above doesn't tell the whole story since it doesn't cover any
kind of semantic aspects. So sue me.)
Oh, and while we're at it: Lisp Syntax Doesn't Suck,
says Brian Carper, and who am I to disagree.
So there.
At work, I administer an internal TWiki site. The web server runs on a Linux box and connects
to the Windows domain servers to provide authentication, using mod_ntlm.
Recently, a new user registered, but could never log in.
In Apache's server logfiles, I found entries like the following:
[Mon Mar 02 11:37:37 2009] [error] [client] 144404120 17144
/twiki/bin/viewauth/Some/Topic - ntlm_decode_msg failed:
type: 3, host: "SOMEHOST", user: "", domain: "SOMEDOMAIN", error: 16
The server system runs CentOS 5 and Apache 2.2. Note how the log message claims
that no user name was provided, even though the user did of course enter their name
when the browser prompted for it.
The other noteworthy observation in this case was that the user name was unusually
long - 17 characters, not including the domain name. However, the NTLM specs I
looked up didn't suggest any name length restrictions. Then
I looked up the mod_ntlm code - and found the following in the file
#define MAX_HOSTLEN 32
#define MAX_DOMLEN 32
#define MAX_USERLEN 32
Hmmm... so indeed there was a hard limit for the user name length! But then,
the user's name had 17 characters, i.e. much less than 32, so shouldn't this still
The solution is that at least in our case, user names are transmitted in UTF-16
encoding, which means that every character is (at least) two bytes!
The lazy kind of coder that I am, I simply doubled all hardcoded limits, recompiled,
and my authentication woes were over! Well, almost: Before
reinstalling mod_ntlm, I also had to tweak its Makefile slightly as follows:
*** Makefile 2009/03/02 18:02:20 1.1
--- Makefile 2009/03/04 15:55:57
*** 17,23 ****
# install the shared object file into Apache
install: all
! $(APXS) -i -a -n 'ntlm'
# cleanup
--- 17,23 ----
# install the shared object file into Apache
install: all
! $(APXS) -i -a -n 'ntlm'
# cleanup
Hope this is useful to someone out there! And while we're at it, here are some links
to related articles:
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