European Lisp Symposium 2009 (30 May 2009)

This year's European Lisp Symposium took place in Milan. I just returned from the symposium, which was my first such encounter with the Common Lisp community.

I took some notes and hope to blog more about the symposium later. For now, let me just say there's one thing that stood out for me: There is an awful lot of intellectual brilliance in this community, and I'm impressed. Thanks to all presenters and to everybody who helped to set up and organize the symposium!

During the conference, a lot of people stepped up and gave lightning talks, i.e. short talks about some Lisp-related topic of their choice. This was, IMHO, a smashing success in many ways: It broadened the spectrum of the symposium; it provided a forum for the presenters to test how their ideas are received; and it spurred many discussions after the presentations. That said, I'm biased as I also gave a lightning talk on how we're using Lisp in CoCreate Modeling smile

Other bloggers covering the event:

PS: While at lunch on Thursday, I had an interesting chat with a young guy from Hasso-Plattner-Institut in Potsdam (Germany). I was very impressed to hear about the many languages he already worked or experimented with. Unfortunately, I completely forgot his name. So this is a shout-out to him: If Google ever leads you here, I apologize for the brain leakage, and please drop me a note!

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r1.5 - 03 Jun 2009 - 19:57 - ClausBrod to top

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