Regular recursion (25 Mar 2006)

So I tried to come up with some simple code in VBscript which recursively searches a directory for file names of arbitrary patterns. This is what I got working:

Sub recursiveSearch(dir, regex)
  for each file in dir.files
    if regex.Test(file.Name) Then
      WScript.Echo("File matches: " & file.Path)
    End if

  for each folder in dir.SubFolders
    recursiveSearch folder, regex
End Sub

set folder=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(startFolder)

Set regex=new RegExp
regex.Pattern = "^Foo\d{3}[0-9a-zA-Z]\.txt$"
' File name starts with 'Foo', followed by three digits, then either
' a digit or letter, and has a .txt extension.
recursiveSearch folder, regex

Somehow I've got a hunch that there may be an easier way to do this. Blogosphere, any ideas?

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Revision: r1.2 - 25 Mar 2006 - 13:07 - ClausBrod
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